come si chiama l'ostello dove siete stati?? forse passer? da quelle parti quest'estate diretto in Turchia! Grazie e buon viaggio! :). gilberto luglio 22nd, 2010 on 21:33. testa quadrata in citt? quadrata. ...
And so, we kicked off my spring vacation with a weekend in Dubai. My Mom has been to Dubai several times, including almost 30 years ago, when it was nothing but a road in the desert, so we knew we had to make it special. ...
Quba: Xinaliq Hotel, about 5 AZN per person (depends what room), shitti bads made of springs, very smelly bathrooms, and common showers at the 1st floor. a small cafe outside can serve you bread and omlet for 1AZN. finding: from the ...